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Represents details about a subscription offer.


The SubscriptionOfferDetails class holds information about the subscription offer, including its base plan ID, pricing phases, and installment plan details.


  • base_plan_id: The unique identifier for the base plan.
  • installment_plan_details: Details about the InstallmentPlanDetails.
  • offer_id: The unique identifier for the offer.
  • offer_tags: Tags associated with the offer.
  • offer_token: The token for the offer.
  • pricing_phase_list: List of PricingPhase for the offer.



func _init(base_plan_id: String, installment_plan_details: InstallmentPlanDetails, offer_id: String, offer_tags: Array, offer_token: String, pricing_phase_list: Array[PricingPhase])

Initializes a new instance of SubscriptionOfferDetails.


  • base_plan_id: The unique identifier for the base plan.
  • installment_plan_details: Details about the installment plan.
  • offer_id: The unique identifier for the offer.
  • offer_tags: Tags associated with the offer.
  • offer_token: The token for the offer.
  • pricing_phase_list: List of pricing phases for the offer.


static func from_json(json_string: String) -> SubscriptionOfferDetails

Static method to create a SubscriptionOfferDetails instance from JSON data.

This method parses the JSON string and initializes a new SubscriptionOfferDetails instance with the parsed values.

Parameters - json_string: The JSON data as a string.

Returns: A new instance of SubscriptionOfferDetails created from the JSON data.


func to_string() -> String

Returns a string representation of the SubscriptionOfferDetails instance.

Returns: A string detailing the SubscriptionOfferDetails attributes, including base plan ID, offer ID, tags, token, and pricing phases.