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Represents the pricing phase of a product.


This class holds details about the billing cycle, pricing, and recurrence mode for a pricing phase.


  • billing_cycle_count: The number of billing cycles.
  • billing_period: The billing period (e.g., monthly).
  • formatted_price: The price formatted for display.
  • price_amount_micros: The price amount in micros.
  • price_currency_code: The currency code for the price.
  • recurrence_mode: The recurrence mode for billing.



func _init(billing_cycle_count: int, billing_period: String, formatted_price: String, price_amount_micros: int, price_currency_code: String, recurrence_mode: int)

Initializes a new instance of PricingPhase.


  • billing_cycle_count: Number of billing cycles.
  • billing_period: The period of billing (e.g., monthly).
  • formatted_price: The price formatted for display.
  • price_amount_micros: The price amount in micros.
  • price_currency_code: The currency code for the price.
  • recurrence_mode: The recurrence mode for billing.


static func from_json(data: Variant) -> PricingPhase

Static method to create a PricingPhase instance from JSON data.

This method parses the JSON data and initializes a new PricingPhase instance with the parsed values.


  • data: The JSON data as a Variant.

Returns: A new instance of PricingPhase created from the JSON data.


func to_string() -> String

Returns a string representation of the PricingPhase instance.

Returns: A string detailing the PricingPhase attributes, including billing cycle count, billing period, formatted price, price amount in micros, price currency code, and recurrence mode.